René Mundt

UseSwr hook with react-i18next

Published: 2024-02-11

As part of working on a feature at DFDS A/S I needed to combine useSwr with react-i18next but was not able to find any examples online. This blogpost shows how a hook like that can be implemented.


import useSWR from 'swr'
import { initReactI18next } from 'react-i18next'
import i18n from 'i18next'
import { fetcher } from '@/utils/common'
import { getUrlLocale } from '@/utils/getLocale'

export const useI18Next = (): I18NextResult => {
  const locale = getUrlLocale()

  let _i18Instance = null

  const i18Instance = i18n.createInstance()
    debug: false,
    lng: locale,
    fallbackLng: 'en',
    interpolation: {
      escapeValue: false,
    resources: {},

  const { data, isLoading } = useSWR(locale ? `/api/content?locale=${locale}` : null, fetcher, {
    onErrorRetry: (err, _key, _config, revalidate, { retryCount }) => {
      if (err.status === 404) return
      if (retryCount >= 2) return
      setTimeout(() => revalidate({ retryCount }), 1000)

  if (data) {
    i18Instance.addResourceBundle(locale.substring(0, 2), 'translation', data, true, true)
    _i18Instance = i18Instance

  return {
    i18Instance: _i18Instance,

export interface I18NextResult {
  isLoading: boolean
  i18Instance: any

The function

const locale = getUrlLocale()

just returns the locale from the url as the naming reveals. DFDS has 26 locales and the getUrlLocale in this case resolves the locale taken from the url like which ends up being da-dk for the danish language/locale.

import { fetcher } from '@/utils/common'

is needed by useSwr and is just a wrapper around fetch as mentioned here The fetcher used here looks like this:

export const fetcher = async (resource: any, init: any) => {
  const res = await fetch(resource, init)
  if (!res.ok) {
    const { status } = await res.json()
    throw new Error(`An error occurred: ${status}`)
  return res.json()

If the result is not ok (!res.ok) i.e. if the request fails and returns a response with a http status code different than 200 an error will be raised. Note: this is how fetch handles failed requests. Other http clients might handle this in different ways.

const { data, isLoading } = useSWR(locale ? `/api/content?locale=${locale}` : null, fetcher, {
  onErrorRetry: (err, _key, _config, revalidate, { retryCount }) => {
    if (err.status === 404) return
    if (retryCount >= 2) return
    setTimeout(() => revalidate({ retryCount }), 1000)

will make use of the useSwr hook which will call the endpoint /api/content?locale=da-dk if the locale is not null, otherwise it will not make any call because of the ternary expresssion : null.

The block also has a retry block which will not fire if the endpoint doesn’t exist (404) or if more than 2 preceding requests has happened. The setTimeout controls the intervals between the retries.

While the request is fetching data the isLoading will be true and false when data is fetched.

if (data) {
  i18Instance.addResourceBundle(locale.substring(0, 2), 'translation', data, true, true)
  _i18Instance = i18Instance

return {
  i18Instance: _i18Instance,

When data is fetched it is added as a resourceBundle to the i18Instance and afterwards set as a property on the the hook which is returned and ready for usage.

Using the hook

Using the hook is staight and forard like this. If the hook is working on loading the content or the i18Instance isn’t set yet it will show a loader. Otherwise if will fire up the underlaying components (which in this case is a nextjs application). At DFDS we use the hook in multiple websites that needs content from our centralized content system.

import type { AppProps } from 'next/app'
import { I18nextProvider } from 'react-i18next'
import { useI18Next } from '@/hooks/useI18Next'
import { DfdsLoader } from '@dfds-ui/react-components'

const App = ({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) => {
  const { isLoading, i18Instance } = useI18Next()

  if (isLoading && !i18Instance) return <DfdsLoader />
    return (
      <I18nextProvider i18n={i18Instance}>
        <Component {...pageProps} />

export default App